Simona lectures: Brands, logos and Gestalt


Typography affects how we read the text and it's meaning: is it easy to read? Does it have a feeling to it? Why is it written in the way it is?

Fonts differ in many ways: Serif fonts have extra strokes, sans fonts don't. They can be underlined or over lined. The can look handwritten or machine made. Do they have weight, what's the spacing, are they italic. It's hard to explain just how fonts differ as they can differ in uncountable ways.


When making logos for a brand, it's not about what or how much you decide to show. Gestalt principles makes us understand more about how we perceive logos and what we should take into account when making them.

What I learned from creating logos is that a good logo is simple and clear. When I think about all the logos I've ever made they are far form a 'good' logo. I just need to make them simpler and simpler in the future. A simple logo is easy to notice and remember but their idea is still easy to understand. My personal visual taste is often not that simple but... I just need to get over that I guess.

If I think about logos that I remember well...
Kuvahaun tulos haulle nokia logoKuvahaun tulos haulle nike logoKuvahaun tulos haulle apple

Well. They truly are really simple. I personally feel like I wish a logo had more to it than a simple shape but I also need

When thinking about the gestalt principles, the Nokia logo is really symmetric in it's shape. Nike and Apple logos are more asymmetric. Apple's apple has some symmetry though on the top and the bottom of the apple. Nokia logo has a group of similar looking alphabets and they form a group. Nike is just one object and Apple logo is an object with like a dot on top, but the apple is the main thing, not the leaf. There's no connection in any of the logos.
