Lecture 1: Colors

We can see three different things: light, noise and colors.
We actually see with our brains. We get the information from the eye but how we perceive it depends on our memories, feelings and interests. With our eyes we see in low light with rods and colors and detail are perceived with cones. The color we see depends on our eyes and the wavelength of the light. The amount of light causes the brightness of what we see and the quality of light causes the color.

Colors are explained with additive and subtractive colors. I you mix all the subtractive colors magenta, yellow and cyan, you get black. If you mix all the additive colors green, blue and red, you get white.

Here's my T-shirt print for a pajama!

The pink one is the original. I tried making a scary one, a kind of techno pop or something like that one and one really soft and dreamy looking.


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